Been away too long to be able to argue this properly.. but FREEDOOM of speach an all....
Firstly to say the clubs never been looked after so better with Uncle, Sam and mainly Scotts effort over the last couple of years... I've not seen any of the three take expensive holidays, build extensions on their houses or take trips to bristols finest lapdancing bars on club funds

well done guys.
The hunslet offer from what I've read does seem an attractive offer but I cant help but think it would be the demise of Leeds Lost Loiners.
Set up at the back of the southstand on the training pitches for the fellow loiner members as a social gathering to show off your skills and a up afterwards. nothing much has changed over the years.. and the great line of "if it aint broke dont fix it" comes to mind.
I think joining up with hunslet would inevitably result in them taking over the monday nights for their own training and the identity of what is Lostloiners now.
I apologies to Scott for what does seem like a good idea and a lot of effort on his part, but myself I cant help but think it would be the end of a good thing we've already got!!
Missing you look making me look good.