Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"Nah. You're a busted flush. Either a pretty good troll, or completely deluded. Not sure which, tbh.
To ask, "if the Earth is indeed flat, why does the moon look THE OTHER WAY UP in Australia" is just one single, straight, simple question (though there have been several other perfectly reasonable questions"icon_wink.gif which you cannot or don't want to answer.
Despite the fact that everyone thinks there are major issues with you, you could advance your "case" by giving simple answers to simple questions. But you don't. The fact is, you can't.
If you are not a troll then the fact you can't provide sensible answers that fit your demented worldview should be a red flag that there is something majorly wrong with it.
I have a good point. The moon DOES look "the other way up" in Australia. Which of course is entirely consistent with the Earth being the globe we all know it is, and impossible if the Earth is flat, as you claim to believe. It's one question. It's not rude; it's not loaded; it's not troling. It is simple, and legitimate. Answer it! Don't provide any more links to asinine interminable YT vids and tell me that you reckon there is something about it in those, just tell me the basic, simple answer that you presumably have.'"