Quote AdmiralHanson="AdmiralHanson"
What is the quickest / easiest way of doing it.
I'd appreciate links or step by step instructions !
Not tested on PS7/XP because I don't have either, but IIRC this should be generic on pretty much every PS release.
1) Open image in Photoshop. You should see the black - is that a fishing reel? - thing against a grey and white chequered background, indicating that the background is, as you say, transparent.
2) On the menu bar, click 'Select' -> 'Color Range'. You'll get a dialogue box but, if you move your mouse over the image itself you'll see a dropper.
3) Move the dropper over a black part of the image, and click. This chooses the colour to form the basis of an automated selection. You can tell Photoshop how precise you want it to be about the colour by moving the 'Fuzziness' slider in the dialogue box (I set it to 40, which was overkill).
4) Click 'OK'. All the parts of your image will now be surrounded by those annoying flickery lines, indicating that it has been selected.
5) Select a brush, and choose a colour from the palette. Set the brush size as large as you like, then paint all over the image. Because you selected the image on the basis of colour, only the black parts will change colour.