Quote The Lucky Black Cat="The Lucky Black Cat"Yep the banter aside I like the Widnes fans and they have been shafted by the RFL a few times in the past. I am a Rugby League fan rather than just a Fax fan and its sad and hurts to see so many clubs struggling and I have respect for the work people do at places like gateshead, South Wales but also the "Old" clubs like Batley, Desbury, Rochdale, Swinton etc. The RFL should be looking to help everybody not just a select few. If and I very much doubt it that Fax end up in SL I am still very interested in the Championship Clubs and whats going on. I hope that one day in the future we can get back to Promotion & Relegation. Sadly I cant see it happening whilst the lunatics at Sky/Red Hall keep ruining the game. Best of luck Widnes.'"
Well said Black Cat.

To be honest i have got upset with my team performing crap and would love promotion and relegation every year.But Widnes are just working with the RFL rules mate.I admit like to see alot of British players playing professional, than a team of aussies at Catlans or Crusaders.Anyway i hope the RFL go by the rules, if not the youth system was a waste of time.We may aswell saved the money and bought rough championship players.

If we do get into Superleague, i would still want to win things as any supporter does.