Quote littlerich="littlerich"Commendable - that's for sure. He's still wrong about our BOD though. I retract the "prick" slur - and I apologise for the language used - but I sill stand in disbelief that anyone can criticise the BOD after what has happened at our club over the last three years. Listening to some of the stories that Michael told on Sunday at what he and others at the club have to do week in, week out is staggering. They're not sat at big oak desks smoking fat cigars that's for sure.'"
Well said, I was at that dinner with our party of 10, I sent an email on Monday thanking everyone in the office and Mike in particular for all the hard work they put in.
You lot who slag off the BOD, what would happen if they walked away?
Again may I point out that Mike, Malcolm and more spend the whole working week down at the shay, their remuneration? nil, their reward, their love of the club (or a slagging of by some of you)
Keep the faith.