Quote MR BROWN="MR BROWN"these people have already had their chance and blown it. the chances should be given to the decent , hardworking, honest players. and as far as these people encouraging younger players not to take drugs, could just as easily do the opposite. these people should be taken out of the game. its only bleeding hearts like you and do-gooders that let them get away with it. oh and by the way , if you have never been to saints, and were obviously not at hudds, do you get to many games? and if i have upset you, you pompous turd, i do apologise.
No its not people like me who decide these things at all its the rules of the sport and indeed the rules of a civilised society that when someone has served there punishment they are free to rebuild there life, the fact that some irrelevent fool disagrees doesnt mean one jot. The fact that you pontify about hudson when your quite happy to let a rascist who beats women in your team says it all really. your concerned about how many cas games i'm getting to thats touching it really is, but i've seen 14 out of 20 matches this season thanks, and listened to the others on the radio so i'm sure i'll cope. You think that someone likes you that actually set up an account just to troll on our board could upset me

You have to great an opinion of your self it would seem all i feel towards you is pity and amusement.