Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"And in doing so we see most of you for what you are, shallow, and unable to support your opinions.
Please feel free to crack on...'"
Unable to support our opinions? I've given two examples of people being started on by Bailey, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Whilst i obviously cant prove this, im sure many other leeds fans will know people this has happened to, or will have had it happen to yourself.
Also, it does seem to be consistant with what we know about him:
Quote McLaren_Field="The Independant"jailed yesterday for their part in a "mindless, dangerous and drunken" brawl...admitted violent disorder...David Hall, defending Bailey, said his client "shuddered with shame" when watching his actions from that night on videotape'"
Quote McLaren_Field="Judge Paul Batty QC"Each of you brought disgrace on the game of rugby league, on your clubs and most of all on yourselves'"
Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"he's much too nice a person'"