Quote G1="G1"He did knock on accidentally.
He intended to kick the ball. It hit the floor before his foot. Hence an accidental knock on.'"
That's a circular argument though - the rules are fairly clear...
[uafter[/u an accidental knock on the player can kick it before it hits the floor. So how can the knock on become accidental retrospectively?
Also I refer back to the definition of a knock on [i"means to knock the ball towards the opponents’ dead ball line with hand or arm, while playing at the ball"[/i (from the glossary of the RL Laws)
I'm genuinely curious as to the basis in the Laws for Gansons decision. As far as I understand the wording of the laws the only options available should have been a penalty for a "deliberate" knock on (which would be ludicrous, it's not like McGuire gained any advantage from the ball hitting the floor a fraction of a second before his foot hit it) or play on