I started writing this trying to defend BM, but it didn't end up like that!
Selections - I think a few of the bizarre selection issues are possibly for disciplinary reasons. But if the club just came out and said it like other clubs do (Wigan, Cas, Hull KR and Crusaders recently) then at least the fans would understand instead of jumping to conclusions. Could this be why Burrow was dropped to the bench, Pitts doesn't get much of a look in any more, Clarkson and McShane were dropped for a match or two? Seems to be the reason why Burgess and Cross went, based on comments made in the press after they'd gone (sorry can't find the link right now). Could also be the reason why players like Kirke and Haraki seem undroppable (not that I'm questioning their ability

New signings - I don't think we'll see any till August (or whenever the deadline is for being able to speak to players from other clubs) so there is time yet for a few big name signings. That doesn't mean to say I'm expecting any though, and this deadline doesn't include signing NRL players. Which kind of leads into...
Inherited the Current Squad - Which included Matt Diskin who was let go while he was in charge, along with Cross and Burgess. There have been players available mid season (the free for all at Wakefield, Jordon Tansey, Martin Gleeson) but with the juniors available then if the first team is really that bad as to blame the current squad (which BM is currently re signing!) then there are alternatives there.
Injury Crisis - I can't think of a game we have lost where you can blame the ability of the 17 put out for losing. We managed to win the cup game (against Crusaders I think), where we lost three players due to injury and only had 1 player on the interchange for 30 mins. The team that drew with Wigan were good enough to win and the team that lost to Bradford weren't injured they just didn't know how to stop giving penalties away.
Pre season - I'm not sure when the events of pre season are arranged, but I would have thought BM had time to re arrange things if he wanted to. He had time to cancel the warm weather training so the team could stay and train in the worst winter we have seen for years (and then moan about not being able to do any outdoor training

The thing that is killing us most than can easily be sorted in the discipline. And who can sort that out Brian?