Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"Their general behaviour goes to show all of Eric Pollard's press releases and heartfelt outpourings of regret were nothing but sound bites. Wigan, it seems, spent the entire off season planning how they could attack kickers. They always come up with a new initiative at the start of the season. Chicken wing, cannon ball, crocodile death role, they were the first in SL to bring them all in. Now it seems they've gone back to an old favourite of our's and will attack kickers all season. There were a couple of really bad ones tonight where they had no right at all to touch the player yet went high with swinging arms.
There is a thread on the Wigan board where some of their fans are bemoaning the attitude of Wane and his players. They admit choosing little ginger Farrell as the new enforcer is a farcical decision. He was always a player who was a success because of his numbers, the volume of tackles and hit ups he did. Now, they are bringing a Kray mainframe in at Opta just to count the penalties he concedes. Joel Tomkins anyone? You have to wonder how he gets by in day to day life. I can imagine him attacking the post man or the neighbour's dog, purely at random with no provocation. They look so easy to wind up, there are a few savvy players in SL who must be licking their lips at the prospect of lighting the touch paper and watching as Wigan explode.'"
I'm surprised nobody as mentioned Tautai's interview on Granada Reports tonight.
For anyone who didn't see it, the narrator said,
''Tautai is new to Wigan, but as been drilled to use that loss to Saints as motivation.''
Cuts to Tautai who says,
''I HATE THEM! That's pretty much what we are taught here. That's what drives us on.''
Proper cringe worthy, pathetic, toe curling moment.