Quote !RYAN!="!RYAN!"One Solution - Valley Parade, Great Stadium, Better atmosphere than Odsal, no way that OSV will happen before new shopping centre and chances are that won't happen. If they were to put a new roof on the terracing, the terracing would need repalcing which would cost hundreds of thousands, The coral stand was a total waste of money and i am generally sick and tired of how misrable and boring Odsal Stadium has become, i feel that the only holding Bradford back from futher sucess is our stadium.'"
I couldnt agree more
Who cares if youve got to go 3 mile to the stadium, big f*****g deal.
It would be a complete waste of time and effort to start doing upgrades, mightaswell just knock the placedown and start a fresh.
All teams will have nice new stadiums whilst Bulls will be stuck in the hole still, its a poor do for a top SL club, not to mention that its leaking a massive load of cash at a rapid rate by all accounts.
30 grand just to get a toilet fixed..bleeding hell