You have four moderators on Red, Amber & Black. They are, without exception, intelligent, worthy, fair, wonderful and in debt to me by £20....
Mod: Shaggoth
RN: Christian
Age: 33
Moderating tendencies: Fleetingly fascist. Occasionally fair.
Mod: AF
RN: Andrew
Age: 28
Moderating tendencies: fat fingers + iPhone = random thread merge
Mod: Bullseye
RN: Sam
Age: 37
Moderating tendencies: A cross between Robocop and Chief Wiggum with IT iliteracy thrown in.
Mod: Bullpower
RN: Stephen
Age: 46 (FFS!)
Moderating tendencies:Genetically engineered fascist, regular class A drug user, paid up account holder with (be aware, be very aware

) and flippant to the ninth degree.