Quote Dettoriman="Dettoriman"Right, To put an end to any Wakefield BULL!
We were in the Woodhill/Woodhouse WMC(LINNET) in Normanton, Having some friendly banter with the Wakefield lot in there, When 1 took exception, We were watching the Wigan Vs Saints game, And as soon as it ended we left. This one guy followed us outside, And started firing fireworks out towards the main road, There were kids over the road, And one hit me on the leg, No real damage, Enough to leave a mark, And burn the hairs of my leg. To stop the trouble escalating, We carried on walking. And laughed it off. This was about 4.30pm. This guy was spotted in the ground just before kick off, And was later pointed out to the stewards. These fireworks were obviously heading with him to the ground.
I have made the RFL and Wakefield aware of this. Its fact, And i hope the scumbag is banned for life. Not for aiming at me, But there were kids over the road. Idiot.'"
I had to read this 3 times then check which forum I was logged into!