Quote Slugger McBatt="Slugger McBatt"Wigan rugby reporter is struggling to write something, given that there is no rugby on. Rings up the club to ask how the players are getting on, keeping fit, etc. Someone comments that Willie Isa has signed up as a volunteer, mentioned in a players' whatapp group or something.
Reporter thinks, "there's a story in this. Reflects well on rugby players, particularly as footballers are spending their time crashing cars in anti-lockdown parties. Also, might encourage others into a greater community spirit. There are no negatives."
"Hi Willie, local paper here. Keeping fit okay?'
"Oh yeah, using the bins to do push-ups, and got some jail weights, etc"
"I've heard you've signed up as an NHS volunteer."
"Important to do your bit, etc. Cheers mate. Stay safe".
Reporter writes story. No negatives in sight.
Oh hang on, he hadn't factored in that some people won't like it because he's a Wigan player.
We're all in it together, eh ....'"
You should be an author with an imagination like that