Quote ST_CONROY="ST_CONROY"Definately option A.
Frankly i wouyldn't even look at the "chavs" shouting abuse at you, i'd just carry on walking.
Invariably they only ever start when there is a group of them and never when they are alone so best to just ignore it.
In all situations they are just looking for a reaction, don't give them one and just keep going. Any time any abuse has been shouted at me i've just walked on and/or laughed at them. When they don't get a reaction they usually move on.'"
I would generally agree with this, they are most of the time just looking for a reaction, so even if they get to you don't let them see.
That said, I recently scared off our local chavs (aged 14 - 16 all live within a few houses of us) when they were playing football and I saw their ball bounce off my new car - well I was in a bad mood too start with, after I exploded they haven't been seen playing outside my house since

but if it hadn't been children (and more importantly parents!) I knew I wouldn't have done the same.