I know alot of people aren't fans but i preferred the licensing systems. 3 years to produce home grown talent build a fan base etc i really loved the idea. The NRL has the same teams with no relegation and they're thriving.
I know it's different over there with football and Union dominating over here, but Australias population is only 25 million, we're at about 65million but can't expand our game, keep the same systems, can't decide on rules, can't decide whether to have relegation and promotion or licensing etc
Rather than having a set sport and saying this is our game and this is how it's run, we're like a start up company that has no idea what it's doing yet.
Until we can sort out the basic most fundamentals we shouldn't even bother with trying to expand, we're trying to sprint at full speed but can't even walk yet, it's beyond a joke and absolutely highlights why we're a dying sport. A sport that i love beyond anything else but am losing interest slightly more each year. It's really sad