Quote Leythersteve="Leythersteve"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el4YaO5QG_0&sns=em'"
Degsy, on Twitter, has already blown one peddled piece of poo out of the water regarding the above soliloquy (that PR built the squad that got promoted). But how many falsehoods can one man hope to hawk in such a short piece?
"Leaving the club in a better place" is, at best, disingenuous. Leaving the club without a coach a week before the start of a new season (for reasons that would be discussed neither in private nor in PUBLIC

) is not leaving that club in a good place. The only points Leigh dropped that season were in the opening four(?) matches.
Walking around Leigh (for all the efforts of the marketing team), Bongser doubts that 99.9% of people (let's round up the town's population to 50,000 for ease) have any clue about what goes on at LSV (unless Elton's there). Does Paul Quixote really think that 49,950 of them are positive-minded about Toronto Wolfpack and that a mere fifty gob$hiites are not? Bongser is pretty sure that there are more than 50 babies in said populace that are only big on pap (incidentally, PR, the English word "poppycock" is derived from the Dutch for sloppy ploppies "papperkak"icon_wink.gif. Sadly, Bongser doubts more than 90% (generously) have heard of even the city of Toronto!!
Then "Just like that" we come to the Cooper moment. No, not like that. We come to the Lauren Cooper moment: he ain't bovvered. No one sensible in the sadly small percentage of Leythers that will bovver to turn up at the LSV for the opening match of the 2018 season, believes for one second that there are not a certain six points that Rowls desires more greedily than all the others available this season. Nobody believes that he won't be attempting to motivate the former Leigh players for those matches by stoking up any residual resentments (real or imaginary) that they "long ago moved on from" nor that he won't implore them to silence the gobby "point one percent" that he's not bovvered about by claiming those points (by any means within or without the rules). Feigning indifference at this point is like calling the grapes sour before beginning to reach for them! Papperkak, Pinocchio. You forget that you are no longer a Comic. Strangely however, you do bear a passing resemblance to Peter Kay........hhmmmmmm?