Quote Starbug="Starbug"I completely agree , I am in the double glazing industry , where what you pay can quite often bear no relation quality wise to what you get , the conservatory industry has been built on the fact that somebody invented multi wall polycarbonate , a lightweight alternative to glass , now however you will notice that the majority of consevatories have double glazing in the roof , have the roof manufacturing companies changed their roof systems to take into
consideration the massive increase in the weight of the glazing ?
No they haven't , why ? , because of the cost , I quite often will get a customer asking me for a price for a roof glazed with polycarbonate , and then ask for the price without the polycarbonate , I ask why ? , they say the customer might want double glazing in it , I then explain that the price with
polycarbonate is essentially the same as the price without polycarbonate if the
roof is having double glazed units fitted
Usually they will insist upon a roof designed for polycarbonate but unglazed , I refuse to supply them , others don't , and are quite happy to supply products that let alone are of inferior quality but are quite simply unsafe
I used to have a share in a supply company that as a matter of policy sourced everything we possibly could from Britain , that company failed , partly because we could not compete on price with other companies sourcing abroad
What's the saying , ' if you can't beat them , join them ''"
I was in the states last year and there is a big drive to buy products made in the US, there are signs everywhere giving the benifits of buying US made products with US flag stickers on products so the yokels knew what they were buying. It's crazy seeing people buying something for $10 when the same product from China which is litrally inches away only costs $4. But for all these people buying American unemployment keeps rising