Quote J20="J20"widnesvikings.co.uk/article.php?id=4334
Hope your ready for us!'"
Thats really really good PR work.
Lots of Widnes fans would've been really upset at Sundays 2nd half showing and will have been saying 'i'm not going to the cup as we'll get hammered' etc, etc.
Tomorrow Widnes will get the news they have been desperate for and a lot of the feel good factor will be felt by the fans opting to go to the next game - against there local rivals - in a Cup quater final.
A packed away end will look good on TV for Widnes in its charm offensive to win over any doubters that they are going to offer SL something, equally it gives the Widnes players a huge vocal backing.
Its also a shared gate, win win all round.
I did here there are 2 types of coach ticket on offer,
The one that allows you to watch 50mins then leave and one that allows you to watch 80mins and then leave