Fuming, absolutely fuming. Never seen us get so many 'petty' technical penalties given against us. As far as I remember until that Henderson shocker 2 mins from time we only gave away maybe 1 high shot all game? The other 20odd were all for not square, offside and even a RIDICULOUS 'incorrect play the ball' decision. Fev did there usual hands in at the play the ball constantly messing around without getting pulled apart from in the 1st 10 mins.
Fev were the better side no question, but how can we even compete when we can't get hold of the ball. Possession in Fevs favour must have been huge.
Apart from Hendo's ridiculous shot near the end (his season over no doubt, the idiot!) and I am struggling to say what the leigh players could have done better. (obviously discipline wasn't awesome but it nowhere NEAR warrented that sort of penalty count!)
We defended well for most of the game, Fev capitilised on nearly all their chances so well done to them. Our attack was awesome for the 1st 10 minutes. We probably had more of the ball in that 10 minutes though than we did in the rest of the match. After that we were just crucified by Stokes. No ball, every thing went Fevs way. 3 dissallowed tries for us. Murdered in the Pen count. The lads must have been absolutely shattered due to the sheer amount of defending they had to do, not to mention SERIOUSLY frustrated by the horrific refereeing performance!
Well done tonight lads, we were done over by the ref. Didn't stand a chance tonight with Stokes acting like he did.
Also well done to Fev, they played well, best side won and wasn't their fault that Stokes killed us.
Thought we showed enough when we occassionally had the ball that I think with a decent pitch and a different REFEREE that we can take Fev in the final, if we make it.
Still seriously annoyed by what i've just witnessed but not downhearted.
Leyther 'til I die!!!