Cheers, Mick.

Yes it was too hard a task for Bongser and that prompted the ramble. Bottled it in the end and went with sentiment as this corner hates goodbyes - especially if they are not of a player's choosing.
To Jack: Yup everyone's choice within reason is good enough here too.
Your analogy was cleverly structured and well merited by Edwin. Despite Bongser just about being able to down champagne when forced to drink a toast at some occasion or another, your words still stand. This doesn't have the explosiveness of your comparison but Bongser (as a nipper) was in heaven if he managed to get three of the Coffee Creams in a Milk Tray box before Ol' Pa Bongser got said majority of the four. That is the feeling for Bongser whenever Ipape gets the ball!
Yours can't be trumped, Jack but another analogy from Bongser's corner is inspired by The Spice Girls of all people (they didn't pop this cork). It does involve Ipape's runs that are not weaving, more like articulated lorries turning sharp corners at speed and leaving devastation in their wake! The explosion here comes later.
The Spice Girls got where water couldn't in the 90s including a Q&A on children's TV. Question from a (possibly disingenuous) lad from the floor: "What's a 'Zig-a-Zag'?" Wide eyes from the "ladies" before Scary Spice chipped in with, "Well, I suppose it's anything that you really, really like."
Whenever Edwin get's his paws on the pill, the whole Leigh crowd
"Wanna, wanna, really, really, really wanna have a Zig-a-Zag....AAAAaaaaaaaahhhh".
Sounds like we're both too long in the tooth. Enjoy your champers, Bongser will scour the chocolatiers in Manchester for a bag exclusively filled with coffee creams with which to toast the team whatever happens on the 2nd of next month!