Quote east stander="east stander"Gus isn't responsible for all areas of the club. He has nothing to do with the rugby.
TR stopped the move.'"
A Chief Executive Officer is responsible for EVERYTHING at the business he or she runs..........he or she manages the people who in turn, manage their areas of expertise. Gus, like it or not, was responsible for the farce that was powell remaining as coach. If it was/is up to DH, then his job title should be GM.....not CEO.
As for TR stopping the move.......if correct, it again shows that the person running the club is DH.......not Gus and it asks the question "what's the point of employing a CEO?"
2 Years into the job.....feel free to list his achievements to date.
20% less fans, no sponsor, no staff, 13 wins from 54 games.........cracking job he's doing at TW2 Towers