Quote goonerrl="goonerrl"If your season ticket holder as I am dont worry about it and dont attend legends thereby you wont be feeling ripped off if you did attend.
I did mention in previous comment (no reason why anyone should remember) i had questioned this legends lounge with Gus. He said they need the £40 to make it viable therefore it is considered a different product to season tickets.
I highlighted to him people will feel alienated who have stumped up for season tickets already.
So spend your cash at reputable curry house after game and make your own protest by not purchasing any beer at ground and spending on splendid cobra in the said curry house.
Wanna treat season ticket holders in such a manner, then why should we spend another farthing more than we need to until club changes its policy on this matter.'"
Spot on.
The claim that they need 40 quid to make it viable is utter bollox........the Widnes fans who paid 40 quid would have happily paid 20 quid for just a ticket if it wasn't on offer. They were coming to the game anyway. All it did was increase their spend....he could just as easily have taken another grand off 50 ST holders by offering it to them as well for a score.......
all he needs to do is offer it as a prebooked only option......the ST holder needs to pre-book and collect their voucher at the gate. This would not have any detremental effect on those people who have paid 40 notes. His stance only makes sense if it costs him more than 20 quid to make a curry for one.....