Been watching this since I was a kid, but despite missing some over the years because of work or other events, this was the first time I just wasn't bothered to watch.
I dont know if it was a good game or not but considering it was between 2 of the big teams, the attendance was poor. 62,717 I saw which is only about 12,000 more than last year. There was a lot said about Dragons being in the final last year & the loss made by RFL. I doubt however the same will be said about Saints or Wolves if the same thing happens this year. Far too close to home!!
They devalue the Cup by not finishing the season with the final & should scrap the Super League Playoffs to accommodate it. Even allowing for 2020 being an Olympic year, moving it to July is just as likely to reduce attendance further than to achieve a full house. In fact apart from perhaps a GB V Australia World Cup Final (and we dont play as GB) I'm not sure RL will ever fill Wembley again.
Mind you a final between Dragons v Broncos might be an interesting count the crowd competition.