Quote tetley smooth="tetley smooth"Stay away. Vote with your hard earned cash, and dont buy the tickets. the RL need a kick up the arris from the fans. We are treated like we mean and bring nothing to the game. We are a minor afterthought in decision making by the powers that be. The RL will carry on treating fans like this if we do not say enough is enough. We do not need this weekend, most fans i've spoken to dont want it anymore, especially on a non Bank Holiday weekend in the middle of winter.
Take off your i wont have seen any RL specks for four months, and ask yourselves why do we need this event, that in the last few years was failing anyway.
I love this game, but will not be taken for granted by the n0bs who run it.
If you are desperate for a weekend on the ale save your MM money and go to Catalans instead, a place where the locals do actually support and appreciate the game.'"
Everyone has their own opinion and mine is slightly different to yours:
Do we need the MM weekend? No
Will I be desperate for a fix by then? Most definatley
Do I want a weekend on the ale? Why the hell not
Will I go to Catalans instead? Erm no I'll go aswell, becasue whereever my team play I want to be there and think you'll find many feel the same.
I fully understand your comments about the RFL don't listen to what the fans want but it will not and never will deter me from going to a weekend that I know I will thoroughly enjoy.
Unfortunatley we live in a country where the round ball is the national sport and try as we may this will never change.
Everyone has their own opinion but please don't try and force it on others
Rant over