Quote Enicomb="Enicomb"Well moving it to Manchester should kill it. People will show up just to watch their team then sod off home, so lower crowds should be expected.
If you're going to do it, it has to be a weekend away.'"
Bang on. My missus wont want to hang around watching Castleford vs Wakefield if we are only 30 mins from home and 5 mins from Manchester city centre
They should stop messing the league fixtures up and take the clubs out of the equation imo. I would make it something to do with internationals and try and make our England team better because thats where the best scope for expansion is imo.
England academy vs Aussie academy (or whatever theyre called at that grade)
England Knights vs France
England vs Exiles
Make it "Proud to be English day" or something like that. People in England are getting rather ed off with all the petty rules about no St georges flags and things like that in case it upsets our neighbours. Well you can be as English as you want on this day with no petty council rules.
Im sure some people could tweak it to make it even better too