Seeing Mario Kempes play at OT with Valencia.Seeing Steve Coppells debut for United and realising we had another great winger,as he flew up and down the wing.
Being at the `83 cup final replay when United beat Brighton 4-0.Watching Joe Jordan lay out Middlesborough hardman centre-half Billy Ashcroft with a sly elbow!
Went to every home game in the `75 season,watching the new young United team storm back to the First Division,especially after the misery of the previous year.
Even saw quiz question Peter Beardsley play for a half for United-IIRC it was against Bournemouth or Plymouth on a foul night in the League Cup!
Also visiting the great stadiums,especially the old Wembley,Caesars Palace and Candlestick Park in San Francisco(before it was re-named).
Oh,and being at the JJB last year to see United win the league.