Quote JTR="JTR"He's awesome, isn't he. I must admit I didn't see any of his TNA stuff and have been very surprised with how well he is able to work since returning.
He puts on the best match across all three shows every week, and TBH he is pretty much working with nobodies who are straight from developmental a lot of the time. He has made guys like Ryder, Swagger and big Zeik look as if they've been around for a good 10 years, and the matches with more experienced guys such as Dreamer, Jericho, Punk, etc that he's had on ECW have been PPV standard.
Like you said, there is no one left for him on ECW, when you look at the roster, he has literally beaten everyone relevant, both face and heel. I read a report a few weeks ago that when Bryan Danielson debuts it will be on ECW, so hopefully that is very soon.'"
Many WWE superstars have stated that Christian, is second only to the late Eddie Guerro in terms of the whole package. He can put on a show wether it be technical or a match full of bumps and is always the first to put his hand up to put mid carders over. His mic skills are probably the best in american wrestling at the moment.