My first part of the post was just a bit of friendly banter, nothing meant but yes now you come to mention it dreamer I do like to be the naughty boy
I think everyone knows of someone that has decided to stay away for one reason or another and I think they're too many to mention. It sounds exagerated and some may say I'm making mountains out of mole hills but for me its clear that Fawcett and Marchy are out of their depth. There is no question that Fawcett has ambition and he definately has a love for the club but I just feel he has taken us as far as he can. Ok he still thinks he is going to take us to super league and we are one of the top teams in the championship, Fawcett needs to wake up and fast . I think it is clear to all or those that haven't got the blinkers on that Marchy is a beaten man, you can clearly see from his videos after the games that he hasn't got a clue what to do next or how to turn this around. To be honest I don't think he is adding much value to the team on the pitch either. From what I hear Marchy isn't the sort of guy to throw the towel in, hold his hands up and say I can't turn this around or save us from relegation and walk. This is all down to Fawcett now and in my opinion the blame has to now fall on Fawcetts shoulders if we end up going down, plain and simple Fawcett is letting this happen and has got too pally with Marchy. Its time to grow a pair and make a big boys decision because its no good thinking that this is all going to go away and we are going to be ok. I have said this from day one and I stand by it we are going down if the right action is not taken.
As for the sports pshycologist I don't really have a problem with it but with all the cutbacks the club has made can we really afford one and should this have been decided weeks ago. It just feels that Fawcett still believes Marchy can turn this around.
Everything I say on hear is true or as true as I know it, I dont have any need to come on here to start lying or sturring trouble. I will answer a few things for you that The Clubs Voice seems to be dodging or hasn't mentioned yet. After the meeting I had with Fawcett I can confirm that the clubs debt is £157,000 and according to Fawcett £130,000 of that is owed to him from what he has put in. He confirmed that if everything was to go wrong then it would only be him that would take full hit from it as he is the shareholder, chairman, director, Mr Cougar in other words. Now even I have to say I do have a little more respect for him since that meeting and realising just what he does. Cullen deals with the bars, function and hospitality. This has been set up as its own business within cougar park and has seperate bank accounts that pays the club a certain amout of money, make of that what you wish. Spencer provides security on certain matchdays and I do remember a certain game which I think was a featherstone game when the club was billed £1,600for the security, Make of that what you wish. At the minute Fawcett is doing all the accounts, banking, wages, receptionist stuff, matchday controller, cleaning, commercial stuff and the list goes on so what the other 2 are actually doing I arent sure. One thing for Cullen is if it wasn't for him the ground and facilities wouldn't have had the little makeover.
No I don't have the money to come in and take over, if only them lottery numbers would come in but you just never know who is waiting on the wings to take over. I'm sure the club wouldn't be left to die.
As for Marchys contract I dont know the details but as soon as I heard the position was going part time alarm bells started ringing, how can you have a club with the abitions it has and in the championship with a coach that is part time

What I do know is that PM can hold is hands up and admit he can't help us and walk, in my opinion he would more thought of and more respected doing it this way rather than taking us down and getting the sack OR Fawcett can call a meeting with him and view his concerns and dissapointment and offer him a cash sum to walk rather than pay his contract out.
As I said dreamer I don't poop stir I just state my opinions which sometimes yes I can be very opinionated but anything I say on here is fact. Players are and will start looking at other clubs before long, would you want to go down and start playing at the bottom after doing so well. I 100% back the players, yes they have bad days don't we all even the sportsman of any sport at the very top level have bad games and I even think a few of them wouldn't be missed but they only play how they are been coached, they only play to the coaches tactics. Full responsibility has to fall on the coaches shoulders and any descent coach would say after a bad game or run of results "I got it wrong"
We had a few poor games under JD but Jd proved he was a leader and a good coach by whipping the lads into shape and turning things round. We had better times and more good times under JD. I know from what I hear that if JD wasn't happy at half time or after the game that he would strip you down no matter who you was and it didn't matter who was there. He took no S**T, he was a leader off the field and on the field. Marchy says nothing hardly and leaves it to his coaching staff and from what I hear Marchy off the field isn't the guy we see on the field.
Community club, was a long time ago. The club will be screwed when Jeremy Crowther decides to call it a day.
I've said it before and I'll say it again I hope I am completely wrong and we turn all this around and its just been one long bad blip but even I have got the blinkers on now

I hate been right all the time
We need a miracle because the ice we are treading is getting very thin and starting crack.