Quote charlie="charlie"So, who owns the ground then?'"
The main question we have been wanted answering is that one.!
They could have said...
In light of recent allegations by the RL & LW the club would like to clarify its posistion in regards to the ownership of the ground.
In 2007 (?? Company) bought BV from the Club for (£????)
They have paid (£???) of it and the club are due (£?????) when they vacate the ground.
We are currently not paying any rent towards the stadium and are paying for the general up keep of the stadium for the time being.
The club refute all allegations in the national press, and have taken legal advice to resolve these matters.
Instead Diane & Ted have a hissy fit, draw more rumours from the public, (if this isnt true then what is??? I have heard that so n so) They've just spread more rumours and gossip.
Either be open and HONEST or do as you have always done and keep your trap shut... ride through rumours and keep the fans guessing?
Ahh I see its the latter.
Well done BoD....
Turn the lights out on the way out you set of useless incompetent individuals