Quote G.Price Fan Club="G.Price Fan Club"
FWIW I think WR's comments could come back & haunt him in a number of ways.
1. WTW are going to have a "frosty" relationship with him/CT, not good to have with your biggest crowd puller....
2. He's shown his true colours to all the RL family. Who will want to do business with someone obviously that low/desperate/underhanded.
3. If wind blows against him he's effectively signed his own warrant. Before this he MAY have been able to survive taking CT to NM- "The economy...boo hoo... The WMDC... boo hoo... The chemical licence... Boo hoo.. Ben Bailey... Opus/Tesco (watch this space).... Boo hoo.. But I kept us in SL by bring us to NM!!!"
Now for me he's screwed should it come to this.
Should it ever come to #3 I'm sure he'll have many a (red, white & blue) man happy to help him pack before his "midnight flit", just before the mass of track suits and pitchforks at his door!'"
Oh my, i see you are on the general attack again. As you choose to post on our board on a regular basis i thought i would join you where you are most likely welcome and help you out again.
At least in another of your above posts you choose to single out Richard to vent your frustration where it is better directed - the route cause of your dismay. However i note you still struggle to resist the chance to elaborate further and decide to attack Castleford's fans/general public or town in your usual ways as you throw the teddy out after hearing or reading some thing that upset you -bless (stick to your battles with Neverdid, they are the ones you nearly win before showing yourself up in the process).
1) Regardless of Richards reply to we will both still remain one of each others biggest crowd pullers (maybe with a little extra spice after the passion this issue has created) lets be honest the clubs dont exactly have a loving relationship prior to this episode do we, both Wright and Glover have made derogatory comments about each other before franchise decisions to aid each others cause.
2) Rival clubs fall out on many occasions, all part of looking after your own business interests (Bradford/Leeds over Harris just as an example) life goes on we will both upset each other further in future.
3) If this means we would be unwelcome at NM if GH falls through, it would be my preference, i will still be proud to follow Cas in the National leagues as i have previously and im sure Richard would be long gone before he needed help packing, many Cas fans may feel different, many the same (just as if the boot was on the other foot).
I dont own a track suit or a pitchfork however but i get a feeling if i had the need i would know where to come to find one
For the record before i have to reply to a barrage of nonsense - i will await an official statement from one or both of the clubs regarding this issue/letter before making a better informed personal opinion, thus far it seems a question was asked and an answer was given - one that made no direct comment on NM just facts that are already open in the public domain - tbc.
Either way i bid you all well in your quest for your new home - i understand why you would be defensive when some thing in appearance goes against what you are trying to achieve, i also truly believe this issue would be/is already on an objectors agenda and will have no lesser or greater impact than it would have if Richards reply was - no comment (if anything it may only reflect on him in a negative way) !