Quote jack in the box="jack in the box"Just read the Micheal Carter interview in the WE where he states people are screaming for payment.
Interestingly the ones who he claims are screaming the loudest are those parasites that call themselves players agents. I can't believe we have been daft enough to agree to pay the fees of those parasites when we have signed their players.
Let them scream long and hard Mr Carter and leave them at the bottom of the pile.'"
Just to clarify some agents really do look out for the best interest of the players, we are not all 'parasites' although I do agree some act in such a way that the name would fit.
There are 2 types of agents ones that clubs hire to find players and then pay directly, others that are paid by the players, you need to remember no one puts a gun to a players head to have an agent and its a legitimate business regulated by the RFL.
Our agency is a little different and this part of the reason that we got into it, We charge by far the lowest percentage we offer discounted services for our guys through our partners which we have worked very hard to source, and we also offer a route into further education/apprenticeships for young lads being released by Superleague clubs, because once its known they wont make it they are generally chucked onto the scrap heap.
We are in this to make a little bit of money of course but also to make a difference, so please don't tar us all with the same brush.
We are Wakefield fans too so hopefully we can unearth the next Billy Slater and give MC a call