Quote chissitt="chissitt"Nah not really just a tad schoolboyish, deffo wasted on me though, the problem with replying to this is apart from encouraging you I don't want you to get the idea that I give a toss.'"
It was all said with a smile fella but if you want to take it serious then more fool you!
If you want to talk about schoolboy comments then go right back to the silly comment you made about not getting in Jinger way and how he practices head butting on blokes like me, for Christs sake chill out or grow up.
You've obviously given enough of a toss to reply a number of times, we're all Wakey fans, I presume, and a simple diference of opinion about whether Sinfields act was a head butt or a push needn't get the falling out, name calling and veiled threat stage.