Quote vastman="vastman"Hold on aren’t you the same Snowie who hated the club, didn’t want to go ever again, I hate you all for accepting mediocrity or was that a different poster. You know the one whose best buddy was the pimp not so long ago.
How two faced and dishonest are you? You really are a nasty piece of work and a total hypocrite. It’s ok for you to personally name call but when I did it you pulled me up. I may have a fat gut but that’s better than a fat two faced head.
As for Poching you do realise we are still second from bottom and could still go down. I really can’t believe your that dim and I couldn’t care less what names you call me or how much faux outrage you show. It’s not over yet!
Tbh I’ve never respected you, I’ve always suspected you’re just a five pints tough guy but now you’ve show it for real.
I’ll reserve my judgment on Poching till this time next year or the end of the season depending.
Now bore off you sad little man'"