A big thanks and well done to Hull for the kids comp through airlie bird club to have a special match day experience.Me and son had great time last night,highlights being...
Sam moa not being able to work out that my sons pen was a simple twist and write style and instead just snapping it in two and writing with the broken stubb left over,with my lad just looking on mouth wide open!lol
johnny whitely taking time to come and sit with us all and tell stories of his old days and tell all the kids how proud he was of Hull as his home town lol
Tickle coming and sitting down and someone from hull staff asking him how gutted he was to not be playing tonight(this was at 7'oclock ish) and him saying 'i AM playing!' hull bloke says'no your not' and danny looking serious coming back with'well agar says i am'lol
Moa telling us how pi##ed off he was at not playing at min,esp as he had been told all week he definately was and only being then told at last min that Tickle had decided he was now fit and would be taking his spot instead!!!he was not laughing and looked really fu##ed off
a very sheepish Tansey coming and having a q&a session,(we'd been told no questions about the suspension allowed lol)
and finally Longy having to squat or kneel down at least twenty times to have his pic took with the youngsters and not looking in any pain at any time,except when he asked if anyone had read his book and only 2 adults from a room of about 40 put their hand up,"good!!2 he said!