Good win for Leeds , i think the defence was superb.
However,and this is not because im a leeds hater (although i am after living in Headingley for 8 years and having the pleasure of having them in my bar for pre match meals every week

The world cup challenge is nothing more than a good warm up for the Aussies, its more of a team building excersise, They say the result matters but its rubbish, They come over have a few beers, train and have a decent hit out. The Aussie fans hardly know the game exists (And i lived over there for 4 years too)
This is not a go at Leeds more the game itself,if we really want to know who the best sides (Oz or UK) in the world are the game needs to be played mid way through the season at a neutral venue or switched each year.
This wont happen due to fixture congestion, not wanting to injure players and the fact the Aussies dont really value the game.
Anyway that apart
=#00FF00well done Leeds, i am happy they won to be honest, and they deserve there moment of glory, but anyone who seriously believes that if you win the World club challenge your the best team in the world is

and im afraid some fans in this country not only leeds ones believe this