Quote Dettoriman="Dettoriman"We had this last year, We paid £20 to go in a stand we were told we had to sit in as it wasnt safe to stand up, thats what was been said by your stewards.
I don't think the stand is safe to stand in - at least not jump up in excitement in. In the first derby this year we all jumped up when Tom Briscoe scored and the lad behind me's foot went straight though the rotten wooden floor.
There was a crack at least a yard long around the hole and the stewards were worried. Kept asking us to shuffle up away from the damage as we could see right down to the filthy ground a good 25 feet below (the hole was in the back row). However as the stand was rammed there was nowhere to move to.
I was staggered that they didn't clear the area around it, but heigh ho, thats the Dobbins stewards for you. Perhaps it was a plan of Hudge's to drum up more no win no fee business now he's expressed an interest in stepping down.
One of the lads took a photo of the damage, am surprised it hasn't appeared on here before