David Lowe is the worst referee ever!!!
Newton were 10-0 up then rylands started throwing the punches and we got penalised
Then after that he gave us absolutely nothing, can't wait to see the video we got, at one point there 6 kicked it on our 10 straight through and there 7 was already over the line when he caught it without it even bouncing and touched down we all asked about the offisde but no explanation just blew his whistle and gave it... How he can ref open age i dont know, not even fit for junior leagues.
Was a good arm wrestle though and Newton are on the up considering the first 2 weeks results.
Can't see saturdays results being to good seeing as most teams will be short seeing as Wigan and Saints are in the final, i dont know why the league wont let teams postpone the match seeing as its grand final day, RETARDS!!!