Quote Charlie Sheen="Charlie Sheen"The thing is, we don't have real capitalism, we have a crony-capitalist oligarchy.'"
It's a mistake to use any kind of -ism to describe what's happening. By doing so you fall into the trap of ideological zealotry which only ever results in interminable and counter-productive societal divisions.
These people have no ideology other than whatever-it-takes-to-get-what-I-want.
Quote Charlie SheenI'm not sure what difference the Pope's anti-capitalist rhetoric will make, unless he can turn a few slices bread, and a haddock into an army.'"
Just because you live in a developed Western state where the Catholic church's influence is relatively small don't for one minute think this is representative of the whole.
The overwhelming majority of Catholics live in societies where the church is a major political force. Take South America for instance. For the best part of forty years the Catholic church has been the only force in politics which has not only stood up to US aggression - it actually went on the offensive. At one point the Liberation Theology movement became such a thorn in Washington's side the US State Department actually pressured the Vatican under Pope John Paul into distancing itself from LT's socio-political position.
Ratzinger did his best to shore up the traditionalist bloc during his time but as stated, this was an internal struggle within the church which had been threatening to boil over for some time now.
The moment Ratzinger stood down the Jesuits were ready and with the election of Pope Francis the damn has finally broke.
If there's one thing which terrifies big business even more than state governments its a militant church. There's a reason these institutions have survived intact for thousands of years. Think about it - there isn't a social, political or philosophical movement which has EVER EXISTED which can match what the church provides - salvation in the afterlife.
Sure, it's baloney. But it's the most seductive baloney ever devised. It appeals to an inner fear all of us experience in some form or another in life. I mean, who wants it all to end with their last breath? And as they say ... [i"No atheists in the foxholes"[/i. Powerful voodoo.
So yes - a Papal Encyclical means something - and to a great many people. Perhaps we won't see much
direct effect here in the UK. But you can bet your behind it means problems for corporations who rely on the exploitation of the poor all across the globe - the
indirect effects of which we would certainly feel here.