Quote brap="brap"Jesus wept.
What do all you bell ends want a medal? You have a few kids that jump up and down and find it funny to sing “Salford’s a poop hole” and do the Poznan (which you sing at most away games, how funny). Which as “Ave it” pointed out was one of the only songs we heard from you. I’ve got an idea why don’t next away game you all come jesterd up with inflatable bananas, o wait a minute…..
As for calling us scum why didn’t you come in the Unicorn before hand or down to the Salford end to say that instead of waiting till you get home and bash away at your keyboard? Were you in the Unicorn before the game? We out sung your fans but I haven’t come on here bragging about it. We also came to your place a few years back with flares and out sung your fans, but yet again I didn’t come on here and brag about it. You’re a small 6 fingered backward town in the City of Wakefield oops.
Ok so some of you didn’t like the ground but come on have you seen yours? O by the way, how is your new ground coming along? Started building it yet? Sharing with Wakefield? Will this one have shiny new seats? Will this one have a roof? Will this one have decent toilets? What’s the crack please inform me?
Sort it out Cas b4 you come on here giving it Billy bigguns about how good you are.'"
Firstly i wasnt able to come over to visit your new ground at the weekend due to family commitments. That for me was a little sad as i looked forward to having a look and your stadium and experiencing your new vibrant home matchday experience.
I know several people who did attend and had a mixed review of the overall experience they had first hand, as many understood, teething problems would always come about for your first fixture as the Leigh fans who attended acknowledged.
I would like to congratulate you on your new home regardless and honestly hope it brings you a successfull future, i hope in time you can build a support base of sufficient numbers to enable you to afford to play there with the club becoming financialy viable, the genuine Salford fans deserve it.
Our new home is not even seeing a digger in the near future so looks like we will have to plod along with our run down home a little longer im afraid, thanks for your concern.
As for its facilities - i can only say a tad embarassing they are, that said i dont mind the toilets, all toilets smell (most new grounds of cigs) and after all i dont mind - im only having a pee.
I dont see your problem with shiny new seats and a roof (only one end not covered) most Salford fans choose to 'stand in the open end' - unlike most new grounds at Cas you have a choice.
Easy to pick out a few posters or a few fans, all clubs have there section of idiot fans who drink too much and sprout nonsense causing offence to others that does not make all of us bell ends - which group do you fall into ?
Its good to hear both sets of fans singing, supporting there team and players, lets face facts if this was conducted measured and gauged by levels of noise and support (tho please not by any meter of Sky/Phil Clarke's design) Hull + KR would drown out most of the league hands down (in KR's case its only expected due to there 100,000 fans).
And just for the record how could we ever forget the year you came to our home with your flares - 'they ended up on the field aimed at our players'.
Thanks for your contribution - jog on !