Quote Phuzzy="Phuzzy"This is not a troll guys. Reading some of the posts on here today regarding the state of the club, how many fans would be open to a merger.'"
Yet the same thread crops up every time we run into a bad patch from the likes of people who probably wouldn't ever have to contemplate losing the identity of their club. That's an assumption by the way as I'm not clear on where you're from.
Quote Phuzzy="Phuzzy"Would you rather maintain the way things are and be faced with more seasons of despondancy and flirting with relegation, even NL1 football, but retain the club identity or have the possibility of a competitive side with the ability to challenge for honours.'"
Let's rewind by 12 months. Where was the despondency and flirting with relegation then? I don't believe we have a team that's not competitive, more a squad that lacks the depth to sustain any kind of momentum when faced with the crippling injury crisis we have at the moment. That's lead to some poor performances and bad results, which in turn has reduced the confidence of the squad as a whole and so on... it's a vicious circle.
Quote Phuzzy="Phuzzy"I understand this is a simplistic view (as there is no guarantee that a combined club would be competative of course) but it seems to me that it's becoming an unwinnable battle for some clubs to be competative or retain frachises etc. the way things are. Be interesting to hear the fans take on this. Is a merger still taboo?'"
As I've said a few times today, one of the major frustrations with fans at the moment is the lack of evidence of progress with the stadium development, although we are assured that things are happening behind the scenes. Maybe this is true and the focus of the club is in that direction. Will you still be asking that question if we get to a stage where this all comes to fruition?
A merger is actually fine with me provided the club is identified as Castleford and plays at Glasshoughton. Any merger that doesn't satisfy those requirements is a complete loss of a historic club; will alienate its fans and in my opinion would be completely unacceptable. You don't say who we'd merge with but I assume you mean Wakefield, whose fans I'm pretty sure would find my requirements above, unacceptable.
Quote Phuzzy="Cheshire Tiger"Im not totally against it either. If done correctly it could be very exciting.
Wests Tigers has worked.'"
The difference being that Western Suburbs Magpies and Balmain Tigers still exist and play in the lower leagues. They have never merged, but instead set up Wests Tigers as a joint venture.