Well that was fun wasn't it????
I made a tongue in cheek comment last week after the Hull KR game saying that I pray we don't defend as bad as that again. However, where Saints' defence at Hull KR was like a slow leak that was consistent over 80 minutes, this week it was like a small crack then all of a sudden the dam wall was smashed down.
I've no problem in Saints getting beat and Catalans are a very good side, well drilled and well coached. But to be honest it's the manner of the defeat that worries me. The same things are happening over and over again!! It was deja vu - basic tackling again just non-existant. Catalans didn't do anything special and the worrying thing is that they didn't need to. I'm boring myself lately highlighting tackling technique but it's such a vital component if the defence wants to stay solid and dominant in the game. Saints' is shocking, they lose the collison in the tackle time and time again causing an already fragile defence to look even worse. By slowing the tackle down with good technique - dominating the ball carrier, it's a extra 3,4,5 seconds that at this level is so important. The gaps were huge and the defensive slide was so lazy and slack that for Sa's try you could see it being scored a mile off!!! It makes me wonder what they do in training.
Sia had another really good game and him along with Lomax, Gaskell, Makinson deserve some credit for their performances. I personally thought Lomax was mom, he took the line on and was our primary offensive weapon -really hope he can build on this performance. It was no co-incidence that he played well with Gaskell at the side of him. I've always thought that Gaskell is more of a typical scrum half than Lomax. Gaskell is controlled in his play he does the little things well which gives Lomax the chance to express himself - they have to play together for the rest of the season. It's the best combination we have in the halves at present.
But special mention has to go to Tommy Makinson who is one of the brighest prospects we have. In fact I'd go as far to say that he could be like a Roby or Graham - I think he is that special. Doesn't seem to get much media attention he just gets on with his job and excels whenever he takes the field. Flawless under the high ball, great hands, rugby brain, fast, he has all the attritubes needed to take himself into international recognition. I'm pleased he played so well infront of the sky camera's so others can see his abilty.
His mate on the other side of the field could learn a thing or two. Jamie Foster is beginning to become an enigma. He scores points which at the end of the day you need but is he good enough in general play to become a Saints regular for the future? Where you can say yes for Makinson you can't say it Foster. The mistakes he made tonight were bad he himself will know that but it's not the first time he's done it. Being a good goal kicker doesn't mean you are a good rugby player - I want him to suceed at Saints because his desire to play for Saints is obvious and he is a product of the youth system but I can't help feeling that there is something missing from his game to take him into the Lomax, Makinson, Gaskell category of potential.
Anyway roll on Huddersfield next week