I understand people (Hull FC board mainly) kicking up a fuss about signing him but seriously come on, it isn't just Hull FC who have signed someone without a perfect track record (to say the least)
I think with FC having so many injuries and Reardon being available as of last week why not sign him? Are you telling me that the Hull fans will be unhappy, moaning and screaming for the heads of the board of directors should Reardon play a blinder and score a try on Monday helping them to a victory against us for example.
The outrage over Reardon is way OTT if you ask me, bl00dy hell we have player in the league who have criminal records, been arrested for various offences including assualts, players who have served sentences and down rights thugs.
BUT some of them are very good at what they do and can be a joy to watch when they play the sport, not to mention gives the crowd a lift and makes the game much more fun when "It all gets a bit tasty" and we share our views shouting from the scaff
If he does avoid a prison sentence come April then I think moving clubs and starting fresh may kick his career on from this point should he play well for FC for the remainder of this season.