Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark""Poor running"? Have we gone tits again, then? Or are we, despite being relegated, still somehow going with a (comparative) quality squad the coming season?
Yes there is a lot of adverse comment but to call it "negativity" is unfair. People are saying what they see, and that's after several years of taking it regularly up the sunshineless and STILL being here. You should be applauding them still being here rather than cribbing. Expressing concerns? Why would a fan of a club that has nosedived and gone bust about 99 years out of the last hundred have any concerns? Surely, we should all be whistling along with a skip and a jump, alls well at the bulls in the Bottom league, nothing to see here/
If ANYONE deserves to say what they see, then , of all people, it must be the Bulls remaining faithful. If that broad church includes many who have a somewhat jaundiced and suspicious and even cynical angle on the ongoing debacles, then I'd say they have every right.
Of these, we have had more taking up the RAB sponsorship than for many years. We have people buying big price season tickets, only to watch the likes of West Wales, Hemel Stags and Keighley, where not long ago it was Wigan, Saints and Leeds (I bought mine last weekend). At the same time, we know financially things can't be that great, despite the refreshing lack of public disgrace, and if people are worried and see stuff they think is wrong then they have every right to speak up. if some of that is negative, might that not be because we've been force fed a diet of boiled negatives, steamed negatives, pickled negatives and fried negatives for so long by so many owners and our good friends the RFL?'"

Well put sir