Quote craighillam="craighillam"As the thread title says Rugby League could learn ALOT from out sister code, Rugby Union. Every game seems to be a sell out and each week our top league lads seem to be abandoning ship to go play infront of these packed stands.
Aswell as the above the standard of ball skills and tackling far surpasses league and the action is end to end, just what the fans are after, you never hear the Union lads being booed off the pitch by their own fans like at the Bullpen today.
Comeon Super League catch up with the times, 3 points for a conversion/drop goals would be a good start!'"
You are in error in several respects.
The Bulls team were not boo'd off today.
Yes- I've heard Booing at Union games
There is only 2 points for a conversion after a try in both League and Union