We want things every which way, don't we.
If clubs are fast tracked into a higher division, everyone cries foul and if they start at the bottom and have ambition and resource and beat everyone (well just about everyone), we still complain.
Maybe there needs to be a slight re think before the Canadian team comes into the 3rd tier ?
Of course, if we still had franchising, we could have increased the number of clubs in the top flight but, folk would still be moaning.
IF there is a grand plan (or any kind of long term plan

), it would make sense to allow Toulouse to enter at SL level with an exemption from relegation, for say 3 years to give them an element of stability.
This would of course upset clubs like Leigh or Bradford (if they don't gain promotion and equally, it would upset fans of any relegated club (as Castleford found, when they finished above Catalan but, still got relegated).
However, there clearly needs to be proper thought given and IF it is the right thing to do, to have 2 French clubs in the top flight, then lets be up front an honest about what we are trying to achieve and then get on with it AND make sure that it works.
Rugby League spends is always looking for a quick fix and whilst some may say the sport is innovative, the sport usually just comes across as amateur and badly managed.
We should allow Toulouse into SL, providing that their presence improves the games profile, increases the competitiveness of France and increases the revenue coming into the game (increased TV deal etc).
Of course this wont happen and we will be back in a similar situation in another couple of years with the new Canadian team.
For God's sake, lets have a proper strategy for improving the sport, instead of just bumbling along and disaffecting fans as we go along.