Any fans travelling to Wigan by rail on Friday 16th July
Meeting in Wetherspoons Warrington town centre from 16:00pm,

getting the 17:14pm train from Bank Quay, arrive at Wigan at 17:25pm, fares £4.70 return adult, £2.35 with a railcard, kids £3 return. Other trains depart Bank Quay at 17:27pm and 18:27pm.
Fans are meeting in Brunels Bar, cheap ale.

Brunels to the stadium is 20 minutes walk.
Return train to Bank Quay is at 22:50pm, this is the last return train to Bank Quay on a Friday night.
Please get there and support the boys in what will be our biggest game of the season so far.
Be Loyal, Be Loud, Be Wire, Be Proud. Support & Believe. Sing your hearts out for the lads. Tony Smiths Barmy Army.
Railway Supporters Club Al