Quote Big Ask="Big Ask"At normal speed, which by the way is how the game is played, neither Mathers nor McGuire had control, so the first try should have been given and the second try disallowed.
The 'slo-mo' stuff freezes the action to show contact with the fingers and ball and the ground, not control in my book.'"
Yes, that's what I say, no control as such in either case, but certainly downward pressure, albeit very light pressure.
If that is all that's needed, then the opposite decisions to yours should have stood? I.e. No try to Hall and Try to McGuire.
If you need to have control, then as you say, it should be Try to Hall, No Try to McGuire.
Quote Big AskNo sour grapes as we should have dealt with both. It wasn't Leeds that awarded the TRYs they were awarded by the vieo ref.'"
Again I agree, and I'm not at all saying that Leeds cheated, just that the decisions as they stood make no sense in the same match, almost as if two completely different policies applied.
I don't mean to confuse things, when I say "The decisions should have matched", I mean that the initial player to contact the ball with ground should have the same decisions applied in each case.
Whichever way you look at it, one try should be given and the other disallowed for the same reason.