Quote DemonUK="DemonUK"I think you'll find its a personal vendetta and someone has overstepped the mark IMO and it wasn't Tipster Ste.'"
I think you'll find that it's not and you can ask any other moderator or admin on here if I have ever asked for him to be banned. I asked for him to be given a warning regarding the continuous 'doxing' because it's against the AUP and then someone took it upon themselves to tell him that I was trying to get him banned which isn't true and can be proven not to be true.
What is true is that we really don't like each other and because of that I made it clear to admin that we had issues and I stayed clear of the moderation process - now, you can believe me, or not, I don't care because what is also true is that I'm not a coward who will block someone then slag them off when they're not in a position to defend themselves. Call yourself men..... you ought be ashamed of yourselves.