Quote pies-r-us="pies-r-us"I don’t think that’s the kind of history rewriting the post meant. That’s just plain lying! Huddersfield has confounded the pundits by not blowing out (well not yet, there’s still the play-offs) in the closing stages of the season, like hopefully we won’t do as well, and they have held it all together. I for one would like the league winners to be called the Champions, and have a guaranteed place in the GF which would put more meaning into the weekly rounds again, but I think I’m just whistling in the dark. Well done Hudds, and good luck for the future.
We might see a very different league table then too.
Then again they would need to ensure the team finishing top was not penalised by sitting around waiting for the other clubs to get to the GF. Maybe compress the playoffs into 2 weeks?
Oh hang on.......Sky..........